Friday, November 2, 2012

The Anticipation

The anticipation of upcoming travel can be both invigorating and debilitating.  I guess it could be something like a "short timers" attitude once one has decided to leave a job.  I find myself putting off those things I know I should be doing, simply because I know I am going to be gone for a couple weeks.  It just seems like a waste of time to start something, only to have to finish it after I get back from the trip.

Since our trip, this time, is going to be purely pleasure (although we can't help looking at real estate, no matter where we go), there is even more of a sense of anticipation.  Most of the time, when we travel, it is linked to some family obligations (like taking care of things for Evelyn's mother, in Germany) or some business venture.  We are going to be traveling with some friends, this time, and we have similar interests and seem to be very compatible personality wise. 

It is nine days until we depart.  As usual, my business gets more demanding and requires more attention the closer we get to the departure date.  I guess it is Murphy's Law the kicks in.  The less time I have to do things, the more things I have to do.  I'm not complaining, though.  God has been very good to us, in spite of the financial times we are experiencing.  All the more reason we are grateful for the opportunity to share the expenses on this trip and have the added benefit of being with Christian people of like mind.

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